ब्‍लॉगर के रूप में Bhilaiance से जुड़ें:- यह ब्‍लॉग आपका है.
यदि आप भिलाई से संबंधित समाचार, आलेख या चित्र, चलचित्र, आवाज इस ब्‍लॉग के माध्‍यम से अंर्तजाल के पाठकों तक पहुंचाना चाहतें हैं, तो आपका स्‍वागत है.
भिलाई के पत्रकार बंधु यदि इसके लिए उत्‍सुक हों, तो उन्‍हें तकनीकि सहायता हम उपलब्‍ध करायेंगें.

SAIL to invest Rs 3,500 cr to set up steel mill

State-run SAIL on Saturday said it will invest Rs 3,500 crore to set up 4-million tonnes per annum steel mill at its Bhilai Steel Plant. 

Steel Minister Virbhadra Singh today laid the foundation of the mill in Bhilai, SAIL said in a statement. 

The minister also inaugurated a new 0.8 million tonne mill set up at a cost of Rs 520 crore at the facility. 

Bhilai Steel Plant is currently enhancing its annual steel production capacity to 7.5 MTPA from the present 3-MTPA at an investment of Rs 12,000 crore by 2011-12. 

The country's largest steel producer SAIL is enhancing its production capacity to 26 million tonnes from present 14 million tonnes at an estimated investment of Rs 70,000 crore.