ब्‍लॉगर के रूप में Bhilaiance से जुड़ें:- यह ब्‍लॉग आपका है.
यदि आप भिलाई से संबंधित समाचार, आलेख या चित्र, चलचित्र, आवाज इस ब्‍लॉग के माध्‍यम से अंर्तजाल के पाठकों तक पहुंचाना चाहतें हैं, तो आपका स्‍वागत है.
भिलाई के पत्रकार बंधु यदि इसके लिए उत्‍सुक हों, तो उन्‍हें तकनीकि सहायता हम उपलब्‍ध करायेंगें.

Be contentwith what ouf have: Munishri Tarun Sagarji

'Kadve Pravachan' begins at Sector-6

Today man is not satisfied with what he has and that is the primary reason for his grief’ ,articulated Munishri Tarun Sagarji Maharaj during his religious discourse. Mtmishri said that people are trying to make 100 out of 90 and in the process they forgot to find a Way of happiness with the available resources asa result they split from their family. He told that one would only get that in return what he gives to someone. He appreciated the unity of the people in the town and stated that members of different communities live here with ,brotherhood and co-operate each other.

Kadve Pravachan’ programme began on Thursday in Police Ground located near Jain Mandir, Sector-6. On the first day about 15,000 devotees came to heed his sermon.

'Before the programme Munishii took the blessings of Lord Mahavir in Jain 'Temple and 'then Vijay Baghel, Parliamentary Secretary escorted him to the place of event. After he reached the tent members of Sakal Jain Samaj (SJS) guided him to the stage. Vidyaratan Bhasin, Mayor, BMC ,Satyanarayan' Agrawal, Ex-President ,SADA and Bhilai MLA Badruddin Qureshialong with thousands of devotees were present there to hail him. Thereafter BR Jain, President, SJS hoisted the ‘Mangal’ Flag to commence the function.

Pratima Chandrakar, MLA Durg (Rural), Ujjawal Patni, Ashok Mukim Atul Godha, Satyanaratyan Agrawal and others offered ,coconut to Munishri and took his blessings.

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