ब्‍लॉगर के रूप में Bhilaiance से जुड़ें:- यह ब्‍लॉग आपका है.
यदि आप भिलाई से संबंधित समाचार, आलेख या चित्र, चलचित्र, आवाज इस ब्‍लॉग के माध्‍यम से अंर्तजाल के पाठकों तक पहुंचाना चाहतें हैं, तो आपका स्‍वागत है.
भिलाई के पत्रकार बंधु यदि इसके लिए उत्‍सुक हों, तो उन्‍हें तकनीकि सहायता हम उपलब्‍ध करायेंगें.

Get- together develops brotherhood: Appari SCWC organises 'Vanbhoj'

Senior Citizen Welfare Committee (SCWC) Housing Board, In- dustrial Area or-ganised a Vanbhof for its members. 85 members were pre-sent in the func-tion. President of the Committee, Satyanarayan Appari said that such get- together help people to know one other and also develops brotherhood. Dr Harnarayan Balhariya:' said that members should eat what they need tq.- have. Delicious food creates more saliva which helps in digestion of food. He also gave some tips for good,. digestion. Archana Mule requested to organise the:: llanbhojan' in future as well. SR Lautre (Nationat. 1 Runner), Dr Arun Mule (Gold Medalist in Power Lift-4 ing), Kunjlal Verma (National Kabaddi Champiortk and many others were especially present.

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